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Let there be music

Life imitating art. I would never have dreamed it as I wrote the words.

My brother Leo passed away last night. It never occurred to me until I was reminiscing with a sister, I’d (somewhat subconsciously) named the choir master in my (as yet unpublished) novel “Mario.” Mario was my brother Leo’s middle name.

Leo Mario - Mario Zanetti - singingI chose the name because of its Italian connotation, not because the character is the maestro… or so I thought. Leo Mario sure did love to sing!

The conversation prompted memory of this clip from THE LAST ARIA:

“The Maestro raised his baton … As we commenced to sing, his eyes drifted closed and his expression turned euphoric as if the music transformed him. Lost in song, Mario Zanetti floated up … and became whole.”

Writing heals in so many ways–as does song. Sing with the angels, Leo Mario. Sing your heart out.