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Silence on Monte Sole ~  Jack Olsen
     Olsen’s book was my introduction to the shockingly brutal Axis counter-insurgency operations against the Italian partisans during WWII. The 3-day slaughter of innocent civilians ranks among the most vile of wartime atrocities. A must-read to understand the climate of northern Italy during the latter part of the war.

Dark Water: Flood and Redemption in the City of Masterpieces ~  Robert Clark
      The historic November 4, 1966 flood caused unprecedented damage to the city’s iconic art and architecture. While spared the vast devastation of WWII that scarred the majority of Italy, the flood cast  Florence in a vicious and unforgiving battle against Mother Nature.

5000 Nights at the Opera: The Memoirs of Sir Rudolph Bing ~  Rudolph Bing
      An inside look from one of the most powerful impresario’s of opera.

The Toughest Show on Earth: My Rise and Reign at the Metropolitan Opera ~  Joseph Volpe
      A behind the scenes look from a man who rose through the ranks to become the general manager of the Metropolitan Opera House.

Grand Opera: The Story of the Met ~  Charles Affron, Mirella Jona Affron
      From the Gilded Age into the 21st century, a history of one of the world’s grandest opera companies



Po Valley 1945 ~  US Army publication

Cassino to the Alps ~ Ernest F. Fisher, Jr. (US Army publication)  



Per Firenze ~ Franco Zeffirelli
    A poignant documentary shot by the great Florentine director/producer/designer during and after the devastating 1966 flood of the Arno. It’s highly recommended that you first read “Dark Water” mentioned above, although the video is striking on its own.